Scratch Lab #10 Write Up

Name: Lexi Williams

Period: 7

Assignment: Lab #10

Lab Overview

This lab focused on creating clones, modeling and game desgin. We remixed a program that was already made with making a list to get some graph data and interpret that. We also created a gremlin game that used cloneing and bouincing between blocks making the gremlin follow the mouse-pointer.

My Solution

My solution for this problem was creating a distance block with a feet parameter. I then had to define it and say if the feet are greater than 5280 inches then convert/change the answer into miles and if the answer was less than 5280 inches then the answer would be converted/changed to inches. I then had to create a code that used this and I had the sprite ask how many feet and then it would calculate the answer and tell me either inches or feet.

My Project Link

My solution to this problem includes cretaing a sprite that would follow the mouse-pointer acroos the screen at a fixed y coordinate so that it wouldn't go all over the page. I then created a cloud that would bounce back and forth when it sensed the obstacles (I put in on the edges of the screen). Then I made a water droplet that when it falls from the cloud and thouches the gremlin, the gremlin will create a clone of itself that would bounce off and disappear. The water droplet hides until it goes to the cloud and falls by a -y value until it touches the bottom edge and disappears.

My Project Link


  1. What data is attached to each clone? That is, what is changed on each clone that allows for the rabbits and foxes to appear/disappear?
    • For each code the volume determines if the foxes and rabbits will appeaar or disappear. The foxes will change its volume by the fox death rate divided by -100, and the rabbits will change by the rabbit reproduction rate divided by 100.
  2. Are the simulation results the same each time? Why or why not?
    • The results are very simmilar and mostly the same but have some changes because the results will never be exactly the same.