Web Development Lab #1 Write up

Name: Lexi Williams

Period: 7

Assignment: Lab #1

Lab Overview

This lab focused on us making our neocities websites so that we are able to turn in our assignments and have a place for our finished projects to be viewed by others.

My Solution

My solution involved going to the neocites website and creating an account to have a website just for me.

My Website Link


1. An IP address is a way to identify a computer on a network. Without an IP address the computer wouldn't know where to send information or know how to communicate in a network.

2. The Domain name specifically identifies the network one is trying to reach. The Domain name is usually seen in the address bar and belongs to only one domain. Like the IP address the domain identifies a specific website and uses that to communicate with the network.

3. HTML stands for "HyperText Markup Language".

4. The default page or home page for a website is either called the index.html, index.htm, or default.htm

5. The image html tag is a tag that allows one to insert an image into and html page. The image html is used with src and alt. Also an image is usually not inserted to an html page but linked to an html page.