Scratch Lab #8 Write Up
Name: Lexi Williams
Period: 7
Assignment: Lab #8
Lab Overview
This lab focused on blocks and parameters. I learned how to use blocks and why they are important and now learning them I realize they are a lot quicker and easier to find mistakes and they look better.
My Solution pt. 1a/1b
Our solution for this problem was creating seven blocks all executing different commands such as, moveing forawrds, backwards, turing right, turning left, making a sqaure, making a backwards sqaure, and completing a figure 8. We had tpo define ech of these blocks and did so carefully so that the finch would move properly in teh desorede directions. With defining these blocks and having so many, it made it easier to see what was happening and what the finch was actually doing. We then created a code that used all the defined blocks to execute what the problem asked. Also we had to note the finch's orientation like when the finch's beak was down the sprite on the screen would say "Beak_Down" and these descriptions had to be typed in exactly as shown or else it would not have worked.
My Solution pt. 2
Our solution for this problem included creating sprites tat would add, subtract, multiply, and divide when clicked. We created a block for each operation and then created a code that when that specific operation/sprite was clicked it would execute and calcualte the numbers given. We then included a ducky sprite that asked for numbers to calculate and when the operations were clicked you would get your answer.